Types of Textile Machinery and Product Manufacturing Processes

textile machinary and productsThe global textile industry is completely dependent upon two important aspects – use of textile machinery and various textile product manufacturing processes involved. Different types of textile products are in demand, considering their importance in each and every household.

Machinery and manufacturing processes involved in the textile industry in india complement each other to support quality output in huge quantities. If you are about to start a textile manufacturing business, here is a discussion about machinery and process you need to learn about.

To begin with, weaving is one of the basic processes of textile manufacturing industry. This is the process by which cloth or fabric is prepared from threads or yarns. The textile machinery required for this process consists of looms which are available in varieties like air-jet looms and water-jet looms.

A textile product manufacturing process closely related to weaving is called knitting. It also involves the use of knitting machines available in different types like tricot knitters, bed knitters and rib knit machines. Another important process involved in textile manufacturing is textile printing. This involves adding different colors and patterns to the fabric to make it more attractive. Apart from traditional equipment, the modern fabric printers form an important part of machinery used for this process.

Some of the other processes involved in textile manufacturing include dyeing, sewing, yarn handling, cloth finishing and so on. Each of these processes makes use of distinct sets of machines that are being constantly improved in their designs. Textile trimming machines, bleaching machines, embroidery machines, mercerizing machines and many other types of textile machines are used in textile manufacturing.

Besides, there are machines and processes involved in quilting and polyester manufacturing. Specialized textile product manufacturing machines are required for silk processing, leather products manufacturing, denim manufacturing and so on. The design and special features of machines vary on the basis of textile material they are used for.

There are other categories of machines, including zip and button manufacturing machines, which obviously form a part of textile manufacturing. The demand for these machines is growing with each passing year, considering the rise in demand of different textile products.