The Different Types of Industrial Mixers
Industrial mixers like cement mixers are available in a number of varieties which include the agitator mixing, jet mixing, wave mixing, sonic probes, wave machines, sluicing mixing and so forth.
Among these mixers, the most common form of industrial mixer involves the agitator mixer. Some of the other types of industrial mixers include the paddle, screw, vibration mixers, static, vertical turbine, planetary, ultrasonic and conical. Mixers with paddle shaped feet and fixed arms are known as paddle mixers.
There are mixers which are ribbon shaped and it is known as ribbon mixers. Two mixing blades which rotate around individual shafts are known as planetary mixers. The turbine mixers are used for a wide variety of purposes. It operates at a reduced speed with the help of multi bladed impellers.
The agitator mixer is among the most widely used industrial mixers around the world. It is most commonly used in the liquid processing industries. Since it is associated with a number of advantages such as portability, cost efficient and easy availability, it is widely used for various purposes.
Nevertheless there are various types of agitator machines available in the markets today. Some of the most common and basic types of agitator industrial mixers includes the following.
Small portable mixers: Known for its immense light weight, this variety of industrial mixer is widely popular for its efficiency. It can be moved easily from one tank to another. It is used in the field of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, paints and adhesives.
High shear mixers: Another variety of industrial mixers grinder includes the high shear mixers which uses high speed impellers on the shafts.
Turbine mixers: Used in open and closed varieties of tanks, the turbine mixers are usually fixed in the centre of the tank.
In addition to the above mentioned industrial mixers, there are many more varieties which can be bought from the online stores at reasonable rates.
There are also Industrial mixers such as static mixers and jet mixers which plays a extreme important role in Industrial mixers.
I didn't know that there are different types of industrial mixers and different types of agitator mixers. These different mixers also have various uses. This is a great source of information about industrial mixers. I am more familiar with the ribbon blender.
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