Manuals, calendars, recipe books and other such things look good when bound. A bound file reflects the professionalism of the presenter and also ensures that none of the pages goes missing. Offices use spiral binding machine or any other type of binding machine to fulfill their routine needs. What different types of binding machines are designed and what are the uses of each one of them?
A comb binding machine is among the simplest types of binding machines. The holes are punched by these machines and a plastic comb is used to bind the punched sheets. These machines are easy to set up and are least expensive ones. They are available in manual as well as electrical models.
Among the most popular binding machines is the spiral binding machine, which is also referred to as coil binding machines. These machines make use of plastic coils that are spiral in shape. Some people find it time consuming to punch holes and insert the coil using these machines, but the outcome is best and attention-grabbing.
For the purpose of binding small number of papers, tape binding machines are considered the most practical solutions. One version of these machines is the thermal tape binding machine that doesn’t require punching holes. An adhesive is melted by such a machine that fuses different papers together. It is one of the speediest binding machines used in offices and elsewhere.
Wire binding machines make use of wires to bind the papers together. Two pitches used for binding using these machines are 2:1 and 3:1. Velobinding or strip binding machines are other popular models that make use of plastic strips to combine the papers together.
There are many brands in the market that manufacture variety of binding machines with slight variations. The main things considered while choosing binding machines include number of documents that must be bound, speed of binding and presentation style.